Benefits Of Custom App And Software Development

January 8, 2024

By the Alpha Bravo Development team

Every year, over 100 billion apps are developed by people from all over the world.Developing an app or software program can be a great way to better serve your customers or clients and expand your business’s reach. However, it’s not enough to just use a basic app-building tool. Working with a development team to create a custom app or software will provide far more benefits for you, your team, and your customers.This guide breaks down the top reasons to invest in a custom app or software. If you’ve been thinking about using a “drag and drop app” builder or white label software solution, this information might change your mind.

Pros and Cons of Drag and Drop App Builders

Initially, a standard drag and drop app builder or white label solution might seem like a good idea for your business.Before you move forward with this kind of tool, though, you’ll need to make sure you understand the pros and cons. Broken down below are some of the most important ones to keep in mind.


There are a few benefits that come with a drag and drop app builder, including these:

Ease of Use

Some people gravitate toward white label solutions or drag and drop tools because they seem easier to use.It’s true that these options are fairly user-friendly and can make the development process fairly simple. However, it’s also important to remember that ease of use is relative.The tool that one person considers to be very easy to navigate might feel impossible to someone else. It’s good to take ease of use into account, but it shouldn’t be the end-all-be-all of your app or software development journey.

Cheaper (Initially)

You may also be drawn to a white-label or drag and drop solution because they seem like a quicker and cheaper option.Initially, this is true. You will likely pay less upfront for these kinds of tools than you will to work with a development team. However, in the long run, this rarely ends up being the case.Think about the added costs you might run into if you went with a drag and drop tool because it had a cheaper sticker price. For example, you may have to spend more money to expand your service options as your business grows. You may also have to spend more to add extra features or fix bugs that pop up over time.

Faster (Initially)

As for the timing aspect, you may be able to get your app or software up and running faster with a white-label tool. However, you may also end up investing more time later to fix problems, add new features, or expand your service options.If you need to build and launch an app or software right away, going with a drag and drop solution might be better than nothing. In the long run, though, this could end up being a more time-consuming choice.


In addition to the limited benefits that these tools offer, there are also some important cons to be aware of, including these:

Limited Features

As far as features are concerned, even the best drag and drop tool can’t compare to an app or software developed by a professional team.Not only are there fewer features to choose from in the first place, but there are also fewer features that are relevant to your business, your team’s needs, and your target audience’s needs. This means you’ll likely need to spend more money and time in the future to upgrade your app or software to get the features you want and need.At that point, wouldn’t it have just been better to go with a custom tool in the first place?

Limited Support

Many app and software building tools also come with limited tech and customer support options.If you run into trouble with one of the features or if your app develops a bug, you may have a hard time getting in touch with someone who can help you fix it.You might also have to wait for hours or even days for someone to get back to you when you have a question or concern. This isn’t ideal if you need to use software to run your business or need to provide your customers with a high-quality app experience.

User Interface and User Experience Limitations

User interface refers to the parts of the app or software that people interact with. User experience refers to how easy it is to interact with and navigate these aspects of the app or software.When you use an app or software building tool, you’ll likely find that you have limited options when it comes to user interface and user experience. You won’t have many choices to consider when deciding how you want the app or software to look or how you want to set up the navigation.You may also run into challenges when it comes to issues like loading speed and other technical elements. As a result, you may be creating a subpar user experience for yourself, your team, or your customers.

Integration Limitations

You probably use a variety of tools to keep your company running smoothly, and it would probably be best if your app or software integrated with those other tools, right?When you use a drag and drop app or software building tool, you don’t have as many integration options as you do when you create an app or software from scratch. Working with a development team allows you to choose the integrations that are most important to you, your team, and your customers.

More Potential for Bugs

You may find that you have to deal with more bugs when you make an app or software program using a white label solution or drag and drop tool.These programs simply aren’t as personalized or sophisticated as what a professional developer has to offer you. As a result, you may run into more challenges when it comes to bugs and glitches, as well as update issues.

Benefits of Custom App and Software Development

There are some benefits to using a drag and drop or white label app development solution. At the same time, though, most experts will also agree that investing in a custom-made tool is a better approach.The following are some specific reasons why you should go with a custom product:

Maximum Personalization

It doesn’t matter how sophisticated an app or software-building tool claims to be. At the end of the day, there’s a limited number of options available when it comes to personalizing your product and making it work for you, your team, or your customers.When you partner with a professional development team and create a customized app or software, you’ll be able to create any type of tool you want. No matter how you want it to look or what kinds of features you want, you’ll be able to get exactly what you’re looking for when you consult a development expert.

Unique and Innovative Product

Not only will your app or software be personalized, but it’ll also be unique and highly innovative. The best app and software developers are in the business of giving you what you want. However, they’re also in the business of providing suggestions and recommendations to help you get what you need.When you tell a team of developers about your goals and long-term plans for your business, they’ll be able to offer tips and suggestions to help you make your app or software better. This will provide you with a better, higher-performing finished product.

Long-Term Cost-Effectiveness

As we mentioned above, drag and drop tools can be affordable in the short term. Long-term, though, they often end up costing you more money, as well as time and other valuable resources.When you work with a development team to create a customized app or software, you’ll spend more money upfront. Throughout the lifespan of your product and business, though, you’ll find that you end up spending a lot less on maintenance, updates, and other issues.You also can’t put a price on your peace of mind. If you want to feel confident that your app or software is going to work long-term, partnering with a developer is a great choice.

Easier Business Scaling

Another challenge you may run into when using a drag and drop tool is that the app or software that you create with it will not grow and evolve with your business. These products, in general, are not meant to scale — at least not without a lot of time and effort put in by you.Custom-made apps and software tools are made to grow and change alongside your business. This is especially true when they’re created by skilled and experienced professionals. Your developers will work with you to make adjustments and improvements as your needs and goals change.

Increased Productivity and Employee Drive

If you rely on off the shelf software or an app built using a drag and drop tool, you and your team will not have access to all the features and capabilities that you need to handle day-to-day operations. You may also experience more disruptions compared to a business that uses a custom-made app or software.When you take the time and invest in having an app or software developed specifically for your team and your employee’s unique needs, you’ll likely find that your employees can work more efficiently and can perform their jobs with greater precision and confidence.You may find that your employees are also more motivated and engaged on the job when they have access to the proper tools and support. If you’re looking for a good way to boost morale in the office and see more long-term productivity and performance results, choosing a custom solution is the way to go.

Better Return on Investment

As a business owner, you’re well aware of the importance of ROI (return on investment). Nobody wants to make a purchase without first knowing that it’ll be worth the upfront costs.At this point, we’ve talked at length about the long-term cost-saving benefits of choosing a custom app or software instead of buying something off the shelf or working with an app or software building tool.Which option do you think is going to provide a better ROI? In most cases, the custom product is going to provide better returns and be better for your business’s overall success.

Easier Integration

You get to enjoy more integration options when you choose a customized app or software instead of building one using a white-label tool. You also get to enjoy an easier integration process.Your app or software development team will make sure that your finished product pairs seamlessly with the other apps and tools you use most frequently (or that your customers use most frequently). This allows for a better user experience and increases the likelihood that your customers will want to stick with your business long-term.

Increased Security and Reliability

It doesn’t matter what kind of business you run or what kind of app or software you want. In any case, security and reliability are of the utmost importance. You don’t want to have to worry about data breaches or other security issues, nor do you want to have to worry that your app or software is going to stop working when you need it most.When you work with an app or software developer, you’ll be able to share your specific security and reliability concerns. Then, you’ll be able to feel confident that you have a finished product that alleviates those concerns.

Ongoing Support

The support options are fairly limited with most drag and drop or white-label apps and software development tools.When you work with a professional development team, though, you get to enjoy much more robust support options. For example, you will likely be able to reach a customer support professional at any time and will be able to access them in multiple ways — phone, email, chat, etc.These extensive support options allow you to get the help you need right away, rather than waiting hours or days to fix things.

Exclusive Ownership

Finally, when you invest in custom app or software development, you get to enjoy exclusive ownership of the finished product. You will have full control, and you won’t have to worry about dealing with licensing fees or other types of regulations.You also won’t have to worry about your app or software looking too similar to someone else’s. It will be completely original and uniquely yours, which is great for your business and brand.

How to Choose a Custom App or Software Developer

Do any (or possibly all) of these benefits sound enticing to you? If so, these tips will help you to choose the best custom app or software developer for your needs:

Assess Your Needs

Before you start contacting app or software developers, take a step back and think about what you need.What kinds of problems and pain points are you or your customers currently facing? How would an app or software make those challenges better? What are your long-term goals, and how can an app or software help you to accomplish them?Get with your team and evaluate your needs and goals. This will help you to figure out what kind of app or software will serve you best.

Check Out the Competition

Do you have an idea of what you want your app or software to look like or function? If not, it might be a good idea for you to check out some of your competitors’ products.This gives you a chance to see what you like or don’t like. It’ll also help you to identify specific features or design elements that you want to emulate in your own app or software.Of course, you’re not trying to copy anyone. However, getting some inspiration can help you and your development team narrow down what you want and need.

Get a Referral

Do you have any colleagues who have recently created an app or software program for their company? Does it seem like they’re happy with the finished product?If so, reach out to them and see which developer or development agency they recommend.Getting a referral can help you to narrow down your options and create a shortlist of potential candidates. From here, you can start diving deeper into each developer’s offerings and decide which one is the right fit for you.

Ask About Experience

Speaking of diving deeper into an app or software developer’s offerings, one of the first questions you should ask is about their experience.How long have they been working in the development world? How many apps or software programs have they created like the one that you want to create for your business?Ask if you can see their portfolio, too. This gives you a chance to see for yourself what the apps or software programs look like and how they work.

Read Reviews

Always read reviews from past clients before making a final decision. Check out third-party review sites so you can see what others have to say about their experience working with a particular developer or development agency.What’s the average star rating for a particular business? Do people seem to be generally happy with their experience? Are they pleased with the finished product? Would they recommend this agency to others?Getting answers to all of these questions will make it easier for you to choose which developer or development agency you want to work with.

Get a Quote

Once you’ve narrowed down your list a little further, reach out to your top candidates and ask for a quote.It may be tempting to choose the developer who has the cheapest prices. Keep in mind, though, that you get what you pay for when it comes to app or software development.It can be worth it to spend more money at the beginning to work with an experienced, reputable development team, rather than spending less money initially and paying more in the long run because you cut corners.

Ask About Financing

Can’t afford a particular developer’s prices but really like their work and think they’re a good fit for your business?Don’t let money be the reason why you say no to a great development professional. Ask about their financing options instead.Many developers are willing to work with you to create a payment plan and charge low-interest rates (we offer 0% interest financing for app and software development projects).

Consider the Timeline

When they provide you with a quote, many app and software developers will also let you know — roughly — how long they think it will take to finish the job.It’s worth it to wait a while to get a high-quality product. However, you still need to know approximately how long you’ll be waiting.Getting a rough timeline will help you to make smart marketing and business decisions leading up to the launch or the implementation of your new app or software.

Look Over the Contract

Always look over the contract before you agree to work with a specific app or software developer.Take note of all the important elements of the contract. This includes how much you’ll be paying, who has final ownership over the app or software, and how much input you’ll be allowed to give along the way.Read through the fine print of the contract, too. That way, you won’t be taken by surprise by anything later.

Invest in Custom App Development Today

Have you been convinced to take the plunge and invest in a custom app or software development? Do you want to work with an award-winning developer who can help you to accomplish all of your business goals?Alpha Bravo Development offers unparalleled app and software development services for businesses of all kinds. Contact us today to learn more about our options, or click here to get a free quote.

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